Thursday, May 26, 2011

Staying on Track: Time Challenge

Hi Life Changers!

So after ridding through 3 states, making 4 stops, and nearly 11 hours later--We finally made it to Cincinnati! It's been a pretty rainy day here so far but that's more of a reason for me to rest AND get my exercise in. I make it a point to always pack my workout gear to help me eliminate the excuses and stay on track. We all know that with vacation it's more of a challenge to eat healthy and stay on track but it's up to you to make healthy choices and plan ahead.

So I hit up the hotel's fitness center which was actually pretty decent with plenty of floor space to do my workout. Not including my 10 min warm up on the elliptical and additional 10 cardio on the treadmill afterwards, today's workout took me 10 min and 27 sec to complete for ~30 min workout overall. I encourage you ladies to also incoporate some cardio in today's workout to help build your endurance and release those feel good endorphins! I feel better already! So this will be our last challenge until next week BUT I encourage you to keep up with your workouts and do at least 4 more days of cardio before next wedenesday's boot camp session. Enjoy today's challenge! I'll be announcing our fitness challenge leaders/ winners next wednesday to PUSH HARD FOR THE PRIZE =D


Perform 4x back-to-back. No Break:
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Bicycle crunches

Perform 3x back-to-back. No Break:
15 Tricep Dips (off edge of chair)
15 Plank Jumps (get in plank on your hands and jump feet together side to side)

Perform 2x back-to-back. No Break:
20 High Knees
20 Mason Twist

Perform 1x back-to-back. No Break:
30 Heels to the heavens (on your back with straight knees push both feet up toward the ceiling)
30 Butt Kicks
 Mountain Climbers (each knee in counts as 1 rep)

 Plank Jumps (each jump to the side count as 1 rep)

mason twist (use medicine ball for increase intensity)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Breakin a Sweat! Time Challenge

This morning has been super busy for us in "Jonesville" we're packing to leave for Cincinnati, OH today BUT I had to get my workout in this morning! My hair needs redoing --hence the name of today's workout "Breakin a Sweat" so I hope no one has gotten their memorial day hair-do yet =D.

In any case, today's challenge is a straight to the point 300 rep workout but pretty challenging because of the increase amount of cardio today. I added a couple pics for the new exercises you may not be familiar with. This one will surely get your heart rate up and get in a good burn before the holiday.

YOU'LL NEED A STOP WATCH OR TIMER TO TIME YOUR WORKOUT (Don't include your warm up and cool down in your time)

Not including my warm up & cool down (~5 min each---DON'T FORGET YOURS) it took me
14 minutes 57 seconds to complete the challenge---now it's up to you to beat my score =D.

1 more challenge to go so remember to PUSH yourself and be that voice inside your own head making you go!

I'll be looking forward to seeing your results.



Challenge Breakdown

1) 50 Burpees

2) 50 Squat Jumps


3) 50 Core Leg Climbers (25 reps on each leg)

4) 50 High Knees--jogging in place bringing your knees HIGH up to your hand
 (each knee counts as 1 rep)

5) 50 Plank across body knee tucks (each knee counts as 1 rep)

6) 50 Butt kicks (each kick counts as 1 rep)

Your time =_____________

Monday, May 23, 2011

Just for fun!

I thought i'd post these for your enjoyment. Hope they make you smile just as they do for me. =D

100's Fitness Challenge!

Hello ladies! I hope you all enjoyed te rest of your weekend and had a great start to your week!
Day 1 of 3 fitness challenge is on!
Remember.... this is all about CHALLENGE. So the excpectancy is for all the workouts to be challenging and for You To Challenge Yourself (physically & mentally)
Todays challenge: 100s workout
Rules: you must do the maximum number of repetitions of the 1st exercise before you can move onto the next. Your goal is to reach 100 reps of EACH exercise but if you don't write down the amount you completed before moving onto the next exercise. Example 1) squats 100! 2) pushups 85 3) starjacks 100, etc....
REMEMBER to write down both the exercise and how many you do so you can post your scores on the blog. NO SCORES POSTED=NO CREDIT FOR DOING THAT CHALLENGE. Must be posted the same day of the challenge.
The WINNER of the challenge will be the person who does closest to 500 reps.
Do your best and forget the rest.
I'll post my scores soon :-)
1) squats
2) push ups
3) star jacks (start in bent knee tucked position) and do jumping jack
4) jump rope
5) basic crunches

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Boot Camp This Saturday!

Hello Ladies!

I hope you all had a GREAT DAY! This posting has a 2 fold purpose.

#1: I want to be sure everyone is able to see our blog messages. On the left side of the homepage there's a follow by email box. Place your email here and "subscribe" to our blog so that you will receive an email every time we post a new blog.

#2: Announce our NEW Boot camp Location! Starting this Saturday we'll be meeting at Kirk Farm Fields located at 210 East Mallard Creek Church Road (~ 2 minutes down the street from our other location). We will still be meeting at 10 a.m. and again it's "Bring a Buddy for FREE" this Saturday!!! Please text me if planning to do so.

LASTLY please ALL try to comment on this post as a "verification" that you're able to both receive and comment on the post for next week FITNESS CHALLENGES!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Fitness Challenge 5/14/11


5/14/11 Fitness Challenge:

Now it all comes down to WHO our Fitness challenge winner is???????????????
Q: What Qualifies you?
A: You must finish ALL Parts of the Challenge TOGETHER to qualify for the "fitness challenge prize"

Ok ladies, so let's see them.....POST YOUR RESULTS or "Scores" from the fitness challenge and let's see who's in the runnings for our 1st Fitness Challenge Leader.

..............Now if I can only find this t-shirt and order it for the winner :)