Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Breakin a Sweat! Time Challenge

This morning has been super busy for us in "Jonesville" we're packing to leave for Cincinnati, OH today BUT I had to get my workout in this morning! My hair needs redoing --hence the name of today's workout "Breakin a Sweat" so I hope no one has gotten their memorial day hair-do yet =D.

In any case, today's challenge is a straight to the point 300 rep workout but pretty challenging because of the increase amount of cardio today. I added a couple pics for the new exercises you may not be familiar with. This one will surely get your heart rate up and get in a good burn before the holiday.

YOU'LL NEED A STOP WATCH OR TIMER TO TIME YOUR WORKOUT (Don't include your warm up and cool down in your time)

Not including my warm up & cool down (~5 min each---DON'T FORGET YOURS) it took me
14 minutes 57 seconds to complete the challenge---now it's up to you to beat my score =D.

1 more challenge to go so remember to PUSH yourself and be that voice inside your own head making you go!

I'll be looking forward to seeing your results.



Challenge Breakdown

1) 50 Burpees

2) 50 Squat Jumps


3) 50 Core Leg Climbers (25 reps on each leg)

4) 50 High Knees--jogging in place bringing your knees HIGH up to your hand
 (each knee counts as 1 rep)

5) 50 Plank across body knee tucks (each knee counts as 1 rep)

6) 50 Butt kicks (each kick counts as 1 rep)

Your time =_____________